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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Power BI

What is Power BI?

This is a tool which gives power to do analytics and get modern visualization of your any kind of data. It's available on desktop, on-premise and cloud.

How many components it has?

It has mainly three components-

  • Power BI desktop- To develop BI report and publish to
  • Power BI Service - To host report to online 
  • Power BI On-premise (premium) - This is to deploy report on power bi server. like SSRS. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Interview questions list for SSIS,SSRS and SSAS

Interview Questions from MSBI
ETL / SSIS Questions:
1. Name some Control flow tools in SSIS
2. What is difference between For Loop and For Each Loop Container?
3. What is FTP Task and how to configure it?
4. What is the use of Transfer SQL Server Objects Task?
5. Explain Lookup Transform

6. What is the difference b/w Pivot and Unpivot Transformations?
7. Difference b/w Merge and Merge Join Transformations?
8. Fuzzy Lookup
9. Fuzzy Grouping
10. What are Package Configurations and why do we need it.
11. Explain how to deploy SSIS Packages
12. What are Connection Manager and how to configure dynamic connections?
13. What is the life cycle of ETL Process?
14. What is the life cycle of ETL Project Development?
SSAS Questions:
1. What is SSAS?
2. Explain UDM (Unified Data Model)?
3. What are Data Sources and Data Source Views?
4. What is a Cube?
5. What is a named Calculation?
6. What is a named Query?
7. What are role-playing dimensions?
8. What is a Partition?
9. What is Multi Dimensional Expressions?
10. What are perspectives?
11. What is a metadata?
12. What is a measure group?
13. What is a difference b/w a derived measure and a calculated measure?
SSRS Questions:
1. Life cycle of SSRS?
2. What is report manger?
3. What is report server? Difference between report manger and report server?
4. What is subscription? Type?
5. How do implement security for report?
6. How many ways are there for deploying the report?
7. What is difference between SSRS 2005 and 2008?
8. What are options there in properity tab in report manger?
9. What is use of execution and History?
10. What is snapshort in SSRS?
11. How do you create share schedule in SSRS?
12. What are data regions?
13. What is difference between table and metrix report?
14. What is use of List data region? is available SSRS 2008?
15. What is expression?
16. How do we write custom code in reports? and ways? and how will you call them in reports?
17. How many collections available in report? What are they?
18. How do you get row by row group in 2008?
19. How do you implement page breaking for Metrix reports?
20. Do you have any idea about markers in ssrs?
21. What is sub report? how will you call?
22. What will you implement Drill down reports?
23. How can we implement optional parameters in ssrs?
24. we are getting blank pages in report after exporting to PDF, how do you avoid?
25. Is there any option to hide the parameter(Filter) based on conditions?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

how to implement wait in SQL function

it is known to us that we can't use the wait comment in sql function. but if we want to implement similar wait statement in function what to do then...

use bellow funda...

dec @starttime datetime

Set @starttime=getdate()

if (datediff(ss,@starttime,getdate)=20) -- 20 sec delay implemented


Thursday, March 11, 2010

How to retrive Integer from a string..

create function charm_data (@charmrsntext varchar(50))
RETURNS varchar(8)

--create table test
--(position int , value char(1))

declare @charm table
(position int , value char(1))

declare @len int
declare @p int
declare @rsntext varchar(50)

select @len=len(@charmrsntext)--from jobbypassobj
set @p=1
select @rsntext=@charmrsntext

while (@p<=@len)
insert into @charm
values(@p, substring(@rsntext,@p,1)) --- String Devided into char
set @p=@p+1

--select position,value from @charm where isnumeric(value)=1

declare @pos int
declare @val varchar(1)
declare @charm_data varchar(10)
declare @charm_dataF varchar(8)
declare @flag int
declare @cnt int
set @charm_data=''
set @cnt=1
declare charm_cursor cursor for
select position,value from @charm where isnumeric(value)=1

open charm_cursor

FETCH Next from charm_cursor into @pos,@val

while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
set @flag=@pos

set @charm_data=@charm_data+@val
if @cnt>=5
set @charm_dataF=@charm_data
--print @charm_data
FETCH Next from charm_cursor into @pos,@val

if @pos=@flag+1 --or @cnt>=5
set @cnt=@cnt+1
-- print @pos
-- print @flag
-- print 'Purna'
-- print @cnt
set @cnt=1
set @charm_data=''


-- print @flag
-- print @cnt

CLOSE charm_cursor
DEALLOCATE charm_cursor

--drop table test
return @charm_dataF